Welcome to your Radiation Protection File

Due to DD planned maintenance of the online Radiation Protection File and updates undertaken, you may be required to reset your password, in order to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If your existing password does not allow your access then please follow the password reset link, in order to access your updated online file. Should you experience any problems, please contact the DD Support Team on 0800 0281697, option 1

Once you are logged in, you will find a simple step by step guide and template documents.

By completing the sections, relevant for your work, you will be able to demonstrate your commitment to compliance with UK radiation protection legislation. Should you require any compliance support on how to complete your radiation protection file, please contact the DD Compliance Team directly on 0800 0281697, select option 1.

Need Assistance?

If you should have any problems with logging in or accessing the radiation protection file please follow the password creation link below to reset your password for the file access only. This password reset will not affect your DD Website login details and will just be reset in order to access the online radiation protection file. If you require further assistance please email compliance@ddgroup.com quoting your practice postcode, your user name and preferred email address, or telephone the DD Membership Support Team via 0800 0281697.

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